Friday, October 15, 2010


I got bored of trying to look for a job so I made up my own and posted it on Craigslist:

I am a Lion Enterprises specializes in pet management and nearly all areas of love, affection, discipline training, daily face-to-face interactions, and routine feeding through our family of volunteers. I am a Lion Enterprises is proud to provide assisted living and nurturing to all of our employees. The popularity of our work place environment has seen several of our employees spend their entire careers with us, though, regrettably, on occasion, careers have been cut short by accidental death due to vehicular interference, abduction, and straight-up “wandering away.” So, we're looking for an enthusiastic individual with the right skill set and a can-do attitude to join our team.

Job Title: Feline Companion
This is a full-time, on-call, on-site requirement at our office in Victoria, BC.

Responsible for the development, support, and maintenance of various family relationships

1. The use of a litter box with minimal supervision.
2. The killing of small animals as required.
3. Providing a warm, friendly presence when the family is sleeping and/or watching television.
4. Other duties as assigned.

1. Avoid the dinner table during meal times.
2. Be able to let oneself out in the middle of the night.


1. Basic behavioral traits associated with being a cat. These are normally acquired through genetic disposition.
2. Ability to maintain composure in the presence of dogs.
3. While it is understood you may not know the difference between a mouse and a bird, we’d appreciate it if you kept the bird slaughter to a minimum.
4. Ability to not get stuck in a tree.
5. Work well with adults and children of varying skill sets.
6. Skill with the following is encouraged:

• Meow Script v. 2.3 (minimal requirement)
• Knowing when dinner is and to not start asking for it three hours before it is served
• Cleaning one’s “privates” in private
• Linux
• Keeping corpses outdoors
• Ability to discern the scratching post from the couch
• Recreational use of Catnip is okay

Thank you for your interest in I am a Lion Enterprises!

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